Original Artwork by Papa, Azhan and Nine (click image to link)
‘In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. By Time, indeed humanity is in a state of loss. Except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth and in the mutual teaching of patience’ (Surah al-`Asr, 103:1-3)
"Professional Architect lives almost by faith. When called upon he can do the job without fear or favour. He possesses aspecialized skill and lives by a code of ethics cloaked in honour andintegrity. He is expected to speak his mind and give his views. Whenfaced with absolute wrong, he can resolutely disagree and walk away." quote from THE PROFESSIONAL MAN by Ar Dr Tan Loke Mun PRESIDENT PAM

Wednesday, 14 October 2009


We have all been given RED, BLUE and YELLOW, but it is up to us to mix it into GREEN, ORANGE or PURPLE; so is LIFE...” Fadzlan Rizan Johani

Friday, 9 October 2009


Buat semua teman,

Sesungguhnya dosaku ini kepadaMu Allah amatlah banyak. Sedang hakikat masa hidup yang diberikan ini hanyalah pinjaman, tetapi aku masih tewas dengan godaan dunia dan bergelumang dengan dosa. Kepadamu tuhan aku mohon keampunan dan moga suatu hari nanti jiwa ini bisa suci untuk-Mu.Terhapuslah segala dosa ini sepertimana gugurnya dedaun dimusim luruh.

Seandainya ditambah lagi dosa-dosa ini dengan salah-silap terhadap manusia, maka tidak terdayalah lagi aku menghidu Syurga-Mu itu.Segala perbuatan dan kata tidak disenangi, yang menguris hati, perselisihan faham, permusuhan, kezaliman, buruk-sangka, umpatan yang merosakkan jiwa dan segala keburukan. Perbuatan yang disedari dan yang tanpa disedari. Harapnya janganlah disimpan dihati-hati mereka kemarahan atau kebencian.

Saudara dan sahabatku, aku bukanlah manusia yang terbaik buat kalian.Kerana ketika ini aku tidak dapat menemanimu mengharungi kesusahan dan bersamamu meraikan saat kebahagiaan. Sedang aku kini belajar mengenali diriku sendiri, mungkin suatu hari nanti aku bisa mengenali baik budi kalian.

Aku pinta hanyalah kemaafan dari setiap kesalahan dan dihalalkan untuk segala pemberian. Seandainya aku punya peluang lagi, ingin sekali lagi menyusun jari, mendakap dan memeluk kalian meminta keampunan seolah inilah pertemuan terakhir. Maafkanlah aku, atas segala kelemahan diriku ini.

Di Aidilfitri ini aku doakan kalian terhapus segala kesedihan, dipanjangkan umur untuk beramal, diberkati hidup, dan berbahagialah didunia dan diakhirat. Moga kemaafan akan membawa perkhabaran gembira dari Allah.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Sunday, 13 September 2009


What if 3d software never existed? Can we still deliver a photo-realistic images or even a decent illustration anymore? Are we still able to manually draw a proper 2 way perspective?

I've been asked to deliver two illustrations for Restaurant & Deli proposal. Although the proposal mainly involve interior work, RGP also suggested that the client need to restore the original feature outlook of the listed building. Thus only a few minor design is introduced to reduce the impact to surrounding building.

However, due to budget/time constraint I was asked to deliver the illustration without using 3d software to superimpose the existing photo. To be honest I would straight away use the 3d software but my superior believe (the fact that it's only minor design) it can be done more quickly without 3d modelling. My solution is to use photo images from the Internet and produce the illustration by using Photoshop and completing it within a day! I took the challenge and crack my head off to finish it on time.

Images from Internet

It doesn't look too bad once it's done. "It's magic !" says my director. What I learnt from this simple exercise is the importance of my artistic skills such as scales, proportion, composition, perspectives angles, etc. Many of us have long forgotten these skills as we depend more on 3d software. No doubt software is important but so is our drawings skills. Nowadays, can we still draw a proper drawing "live" or inpromto in front of clients? A proper and understandable drawing, not those scribble sketches that only us could understand. I'm sure most of us architects get this response from non-architectural people when they learn of our profession, "You must be good at drawings?". I wonder are we really good at it?

Existing Front photo

Proposed Front

Existing Rear photo

Proposed Rear RGP have an innovative approach to architectural design.

Thursday, 3 September 2009


in the making of: DEMI CINTA AKU BISA HIDUP (for love I shall live)
The artwork is still in working progress. Early preview as an epitome of our 9th wedding anniversary. May love stay in our hearts forever.


Tiada 'hadiah' ku beri,
Tiada 'majlis' kita rai;
Tiada lebih terbukti Cinta-Nya,
Selain hari ini kita bersama.

Selang bertahun,
Bersulam suka duka;
Seksa kita lalui,
Mengertilah rasa bahagia.

Godaan dunia,
Hingga Cinta jadi mainan;
Syukurlah pada Tuhan,
Hati kita tetap satu.

Mimpi aku genggam jemarimu,
Saat nanti kedut membalut;
Nyatalah kau temanku,
Kekasihmu setia.

Biar dunia tinggalkan kita,
Demi Cinta-Nya;
Kita bisa hidup,
Selamanya di alam abadi.

Poem by : Fadzlan Rizan Johani
2.00 a.m, 3hb September 2009

Selamat Ulang-tahun ke-9 sayang,
Terima kasih kerana masih mencintaiku.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

I Know Nothing

" True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing, and in knowing that you know nothing, that makes you the smartest of all." Socrates

Wednesday, 27 May 2009


First draftFinal Render

First draft
Final Render

More often than not, I've been asked to do simple facade design. Under my director's supervision I had developed a skill of knowing what to expect. Familiarised with the firm design approach and "style".

Nevertheless, like most designers we tend to push the boundary further. We would not easily mould into certain monotonous work. Like many other young designers, we love the adventure of new design and the process that goes with it.

During this exercise, I was asked to re-use typical retail design facade constructed on other site. However, due to the uniqueness of the corner entrance (not like central entrance in typical design), I took the opportunity to give a little bit extra look on the front.

I've learnt that cost control in this tight budget building is crucial, therefore any suggestion to "push the boundary" is taken with extra thought. Despite such worriness in mind, we as designers need to be "brave" to venture into new set of design territory. During this exploration, one must not get carried away.

In the end, this "out of box" exercise for the typical design gets the clients' approvals. I must always bear in mind, "no single project is identical" thus could prevent us from self-plagiarism and deliver to client a fresh thought. Remember, although some creative design may not be first acknowledged, it has won your freedom!

Friday, 15 May 2009



Sudah lama kita berjauhan,
Hari ini aku pasti akan pulang,
Tok sedang menanti menahan nyawanya,
Terlantar dia menahan sakit di Kampung,

Hari ini sesibuk mana kerja, aku tinggalkan!
Hari ini segunung emas harta, aku biarkan!
Hari ini sekuat mana pelukan kekasih, aku lepaskan!
Aku tinggalkan segalanya demi bersama segalanya,

Pulanglah aku pulang,
Cepatlah cepat aku tiba,
Ingin sekali aku disisinya,
Sekarang juga di saat ini...di waktu ini.

Mengapakah begitu lama untuk sampai?,
Kapal terbang apa yang begini lambat?,
Jarak benua ini bukannya jauh sangat,
Takala jasad menunggu hatiku sudah sampai.

Angin sedang bertiup kencang,
Hari pun menjelang senja,
Tok duduk bersimpuh dipangkin rumah,
Berteriakan memanggil aku pulang,

Berlari-larilah aku kerana takut,
Kerna dihambat rotan acuhan Tokwan,
Ini semua angkara leka bermain,
Penatnya hingga terbongkang aku di riba Tok,

Oh! Terjaga dari tidur di belai Tok,
Usap tangannya ini masih terasa segar,
Teriakan Tok itu sedang terngiang-ngiang,
Memanggil aku segera pulang...Abang balik!

Tuhanku! Hentikanlah masa ini,
Untuk Kau panjangkan umurnya,
Kuatkan semangat tenaganya,
Hinggakan derita tidak terasa,

Tuhanku! Sebelum Tok menjadi tetamuMu,
Izinkan aku mendengar kata "sayang" sekali lagi,
Untuk tamatkan penantian rindu dendam kami,
Tok! Abang dah balik...
Fadzlan Rizan Johani 14 May 2009
(sebuah catatan awal sewaktu menunggu penerbangan pulang 2 April 2009)
Al-fatihah buat Allahyarhan Che Jam binti Omar (Tok/Nenek) yang pulang Rahmatullah pada pagi 23 April 2009.

Thursday, 14 May 2009


Port Dickson, April 2009
"A home design from happy experience in life, will bring true happiness to one; imposing a build that we thought would create happiness may only give misery to another!" Fadzlan Rizan Johani

Friday, 8 May 2009


Final design

This is an e-bulletin designed for RGP marketing strategy. The purpose of this e-bulletin is to publish the latest news about RGP to our existing clients and potential future client.

The bulletin is composed in only one page to provide brief news of the month. This monthly news will then be compiled for RGP's seasonal news booklet.

First Option

This first option was designed by another colleague of mine in the office. At first I was shown the design of the layout. The director gave the same brief for me to work on another option. He decided not to show me the design in order to get another fresh idea without referring to the first option.

For many of us this could be a competition which they'd fight to win. But for me not knowing the look of the first option gives me more freedom in design. Instead of worrying whether my design would be chosen or not, or to follow the previous company CV's design or any formal format of design, I was simply having fun producing a 'fresh' design.
Second Option

As a result, the e-bulletin that I produced is out of RGP's design norm. When the director revealed the first option, I was expecting a very formal format design. Although the director feels excited about my option, he still feels comfortable with the first option (formal design). However, instead of choosing any particular one from the two options it is a good idea to combine both design elements to produce the best option.

The final design is composed in In-Design publishing software. This is another good software that I'd recently learnt and currently practiced to produce excellent presentation.

During this small exercise I've learnt and proved that creativity should be explored with greater freedom. There should be less or no restriction on ideas. Only after creativity has grown that it could then be moulded towards the requirements.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Dear Friends

Dear Friends,

It's been quite a while that I have neither posted any news nor updates on any of my work recent projects on this blog. Some of you may know that I've just returned from a four-week holiday in Malaysia due to urgent visit to my critically ill grandma and also attending my brother's wedding. Our hectic schedule during the stay did not permit me much time to update anything.

However, we are now back in England. The blog will resume as per usual with some story from home during our visit.

We've lost one of our beloved family members and at the same time receive a new member in the family. It appears that life seems different, the event seems to prepare me for my 30th life in the small world.


Monday, 16 March 2009


My old diploma practical training log-book (completed in year 2000).

"Our commitment is always towards design and planning excellence underlined by a thorough and professional approach."

SNO Architects Sdn Bhd
303 Blk G Pst Dagangan Phileo Damansara
9 Jln 16/11, off Jln DamansaraPetaling Jaya
46350 Selangor
TEL: 603-7661-2333

Sunday, 15 March 2009


Proposed a new retail and food outlet. RGP have an innovative approach to architectural design. We have no dogma, no standard answers and we are spirited and fun to work with.


Key Element:
  • Basic elements of all these systems
  • Applications on Schools and other buildings
  • Comparison of different natural ventilation and natural daylight systems
  • Overview of potential market and applications
  • Application of solar driven natural ventilation

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Dedication and Talent

"There are two qualities that neither employers nor educators can instill and without which, it is assumed, one cannot become a “good” architect: dedication and talent." Dana Cuff – Architecture:The story of Practice

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Depression 1

I've been busy lately, not because of work load at the office but heavily indulging painting artworks. I've also absolutely no idea to write about anything at all. Well, this could be something to write about but somehow the feel is not there. I guess my feel has gone into the canvas!

There is a lot of things that I could write about with the many things happening around. The recession is deepen, more and more people are out of work. Even I'm currently at the risk of redundancy. My sister completed her medical foundation studies in Ireland, my younger brother's married and we've bought tickets to fly home to attend his wedding reception in April.

The sudden of all the arising problem and things happening around me have somehow stopped and froze in time. I do care about things happening around me but the fact that I'm so into my painting as if nothing is more important than the painting itself. From time to time I'd be staying up late with just myself alone inside the painting. Sometimes when I stop to rest from doing the painting it was already 2 in the morning. And when I'm at the office I just couldn't wait to finish the job and go home to my painting..crazy, ain't it?

When you come to think about it this is one way to keep my mind straight and not be so depress with the current economic situation. I don't have any PlayStation or Wii to enjoy with (try to avoid the children from becoming addicted to computer games) but I do have my own playground. My playground is the canvas that could also take hours and hours of adrenaline. Similarly with games consul, I also could change my own environment and places that I wanted to be but with far more freedom.

This somehow doesn't mean that we need to run away from the fact and problem in life. Like one of my favourite Malay movie Ali Setan quote "Hidup nie mesti ada problem, kau perlulah banyak bersabar"(You will have problem in your life, but you must be patient). We need to be prepared for the worst to come not to expect for the worst never came. The things that we'd planned if the D-day were to happen. InsyaAllah, we could make it trough the storm.

However, the real depression is the uncertainty of the situation. Yes, we would never know what was going to happen tomorrow but the certain amount of confidence is needed to keep us from the limbo. We could not carry on with the normal life or plan anything ahead if there is no real date for the D-day. It may or may not happen.

Enough with this babbling. I will get myself or yourself more depress. I will follow the step of Le-Corbusier in making artwork and becoming the master of myself. Till then, I shall indulge myself back into the lovely sunny painting of mine. Cheers!

Friday, 13 February 2009


Wsalam,abg Lan.

Khabar baik.yup study kat politeknik sem akhir dah lepas ni habis la blajo april ni nak balik malaysia seronok tu boleh makan malay food

Nanti datang port dickson boleh la jumpa kalau sempat ni miro sertakan contact number 019XXXXX.

Dah dapat information dari abg Lan sungguh terperinci kajian abg lan.Banyak saya dah kawan2 saya belajar dari presentation board abg lan..this rabu saya nak kene buat report
untuk urbanism di kl tu.Sistem swoc yg abg lan guna cukup berkesan dari segi nak membuat kajian.

Kami semua DSB6/2 mengucapkan terima kasih dalam membantu kami menyiap dan memahami about urbanism.Insyaallah nanti saya shared what a new thing in kl.

Syukur Alhamdulillah, serba sedikit blog ini ada membantu insan lain. Ada sesuatu yang lebih memuaskan diri dari hanya kepentingan kebendaan. Rasa syukur kerana dalam perjalanan kehidupan ini kita dapat menjadi seorang yang membawa kebaikan kepada orang lain. Namun masih terlalu sedikit bakti yang ditaburkan berbanding nikmat yang telah diberikan.

Mungkin begitulah perasaan cikgu-cikgu, pensyarah dan para pendidik yang membuatkan mereka terus gigih dan tanpa jemu menyumbangkan bakti. Walaupun nanti mereka sudah tiada, ilmu yang mereka taburkan akan terus hidup dan dimanfaatkan.

Monday, 9 February 2009

WEST LOT - Precint 10 Putrajaya

"Our commitment is always towards design and planning excellence underlined by a thorough and professional approach."

SNO Architects Sdn Bhd
303 Blk G Pst Dagangan Phileo Damansara
9 Jln 16/11, off Jln Damansara
Petaling Jaya

TEL: 603-7661-2333