Original Artwork by Papa, Azhan and Nine (click image to link)
‘In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. By Time, indeed humanity is in a state of loss. Except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth and in the mutual teaching of patience’ (Surah al-`Asr, 103:1-3)
"Professional Architect lives almost by faith. When called upon he can do the job without fear or favour. He possesses aspecialized skill and lives by a code of ethics cloaked in honour andintegrity. He is expected to speak his mind and give his views. Whenfaced with absolute wrong, he can resolutely disagree and walk away." quote from THE PROFESSIONAL MAN by Ar Dr Tan Loke Mun PRESIDENT PAM

Friday, 31 August 2007


Kulaungkan dihati bersama sepotong surah doa selamat untuknya. Sudah 50 tahun Merdeka, namun hanya 27 tahun aku melaluinya. Pasti 50 tahun Merdeka itu lebih bermakna kepada orang tuaku yang hidupnya benar-benar menjangkau usia 50 tahun melaluinya. Jasa mereka hanya Tuhan yang membalasnya. Bagiku ini adalah sambutan 27 tahun aku hidup merdeka.Alhamdulillah.

Tapi kini aku tidak lagi berpijak di bumi merdeka. Tahun-tahun mendatang aku akan berpijak di bumi asing. Biarpun begitu aku tidak lagi melangkah tunduk dijajah, tapi mengatur langkah dalam hati yang membawa semangat jiwa merdeka.

Terima kasihku untuk negara tercinta kerana telah berjaya mendidik anak merdeka yang berani untuk terbang keluar dari sarang hidupnya. Mengembara ke segenap pelosok dunia. Cabaran untuk terbang telah di tempuh, cabaran seterusnya adalah untuk terus kekal terbang tinggi di langit luas.

Namun cabaran yang lebih mencabar nanti bukan lagi sekadar terbang tinggi di langit asing, tapi mencari jalan pulang ke sarang merdeka. Mampukah kita menemui jalan pulang jika terus hanyut dalam langit kesenangan, hanyut dalam udara kemewahan, hanyut dalam kealpaan. Masihkah kita sekadar pulang bersama kereta mewah berlesen AP, pulang sekadar sebuah kontena penuh dengan duit dan harta peribadi; "tv flat screen" 46 inci, permainan elektronik, baju dan kasut berjenama, barangan antik. telefon bimbit pelbagai fungsi, pinggan mangkuk dan banyak lagi.

Tapi mampukah kita pulang bersama 1001 kontena yang penuh dengan ILMU, IDEA, ILHAM dan ASPIRASI yang menjadi makanan pembakar semangat anak cucu negara dan perkakas yang mampu mengukuhkan sarang Merdeka.Mampukah kita pulang bersama bekal yang tidak basi ditelan zaman?

MENCARI RASA MERDEKA- Fadzlan Rizan Johani

Buat tanah airku yang merdeka,
Aku yang belum pernah merasai,
Keperihan dan kegigihan orang tuaku;
Dalam membina kemerdekaan ini.

Lahirku untuk mengisi kemerdekaan ini,
Mewarisi darah bangsaku,
Menyambung kisah perjuangan yang belum selesai;
Menanggung beban amanah negaraku.

Tanpa merasai penjajahan lalu,
Mampukah aku memahami erti kemerdekaan itu;

Tanpa berani berdiri diatas kaki sediri,
Mampukah aku merawat tempangku;

Tanpa pengalaman sebenar,
Mampukah aku menceritakan pedoman;

Tanpa terpahat parut luka,
Mampukah aku merasai sakitnya perjuangan;

Aku merantau jauh untuk memahami erti kemerdekaan,
Berjalan tanpa perisai kekebalanku,
Menghumban diriku ke masa pemerintah lalu;
Maka tercalarlah, luka diriku.

Semangat pejuang bangkit dari kejerihan ini,
Mencari ilmu mengubat luka,
Mengukir tongkat menampung tempang;
Melakar peta mencari arah.

Aku baru melangkah,
Ramuannya masih belum sedia,
Jalan pulang masih jauh lagi;
Berkat doa akan kembali.

Dari jauh kulaungkan MERDEKA! ,
Gempita laungannya berdentum dihati.

"Saya berharap rakyat berbilang kaum dapat hidup dan berbaik-baik antara satu sama lain. Letakkan taat setia kita kepada negara. Baik buruk pun, Malaysia tetap negara kita. Tidak ada tempat lagi yang kita hendak pergi kerana ini sajalah tanah air kita. Jadi kita harus bersatu padu. Berdoalah kepada Allah s.w.t. supaya dilimpah kurnia-Nya harapan kita untuk hidup dan berada dalam keadaan selamat selama-lamanya."Perdana Menteri pertama Malaysia,Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, petikan wawancara bertajuk ‘Kenangan Seorang Negarawan’ yang dirakam pada Ogos 1982

Saturday, 25 August 2007


This is a group work assignment for Environmental Science and Services (ESS) Subject. Looking back at the study in 2002 I felt funny to find that the study should be done more thoroughly for the building but we simply presented the half-done research and was bombarded by the lecturer. We did not cover everything that should have been covered and obviously not much critical thinking was put into it and we didn't have much experience to better understand highrise building. We should have covered the lift system, the AHU, or even the impact of the building to the surrounding environment. Most of all, it was very time consuming and we were so naive about good mangement. Nevertheless, this excercise is an introduction towards a better understanding of highrise building and methods of getting information.

I could vividly recall during that period of time, we hardly heard of architects making their ways to help develop highrise building in Dubai or Abu-Dhabi or Shanghai and I never know I could eventually expand my knowledge and experience at that part of the world.

Let's refresh a bit and have a good laugh at the past and smile to the brighter future.

Friday, 24 August 2007


This is another technical exercise done to get me fit with the UK standards. It's just a small building extension but it is still a good exercise. This is a part of standard planning requirement. I try to make some sort of list to summarise the work done so that it could be a guide for the next project which may soon be complied as some kind of "dummies for planning drawing".

Then it could be replaced by a software that could do the job with just a click of a button. As the software develops its own intelligence, we then hardly need the architect to make the decisions. It is good to have a software which is programmed to do the lower end of architectural firm job. This would save more time for the architects to concentrate on their best abilities and specialties.

However before we proceed any further with this dream, I still believe that there would still be a need for architect's personal artistic touch rather than computer logic. Each building design would be different from one to another even if it follows the same guide or procedure. So the best way to offer a better service to community (client) is to be better than the dummies!

1. Clean the OS drawing
- remove the topographic grid
- remove building marks

2. Adjust the line thickness of the OS drawing

3. Mark RED line for the site boundary

4. Write description of proposed building
- Type of building category
- Nett floor area both in sqm and sqft

5. Colour the site
- Monotonous colour for small development
- More colours for bigger development

6. Adjust the line thickness of the survey drawing

7. Make an indication that the drawing is referred from the surveyor

8. Make necessary notes for explanation

9. Remember to put the NORTH POINT

10. Wall thickness

-Internal blockwork - 140 mm thick

-External facing brick -103 mm thick

-Cavity for insulation - 100 mm thick

11. Building Grid

12. Relevent notes for work to be done

13. Floor Finishes

14. Architectural facing blockwork - 225mm height

15. Facing Brickwork - 150mm height

16. Building Shadow to show depth

17 . Glazing shading to indicate glass

18. Diagram with north point to show elevation and section area

19. Schedule of materials and colours

20. Mark the Finish Floor Level - F.F.L

21. Thick ground line

22. Add people, trees and cars

This is just a part of my routine notes. By setting out which is routine and which is not, I could: (1) save time from making the same mistake, and (2) have more valueable time for more creative process. The process that could not be outsourced or done by ordinary people...only the professionals.

Thursday, 23 August 2007


I received a comment from a friend of mine in my friendster's list, she said:
NoraLiza Posted 20/08/2007 19:08 "Assalamualaikum, paklan. pekaba? hows life in UK? mesti best....For your info, I'm one of your biggest fan of your web...hehe...selalu singgah kat situ, tengok2 keje2 paklan....Marvellous!Bila lagi balik KL? beraya di sini or UK? kirim salam to Wardina yek!"

And today I received another message in my shout-out box from a new friend. He said:
yp "very impressive work & experience as well as guidance to architects, to all Malaysians. I would like to send my gratitude to you. This blog helps alot."

I’m glad to hear such appreciations from “friends” who find any part of my life bring benefits to them. It makes me feel good to know that I had done good deeds to others; a feeling that no money can buy. It gives me the motivation and encouragement in my journey. This is what they called peer-to-peer motivation. I do hope to get this appreciation whenever it dues, but beyond that I would love to hear any more knowledge that could improve my thoughts and writings. It will prevent me from writing in the dark.

Eventhough some of my writing brings lights to others, by combining more lights from others it could make a brighter light that could lighten up the life not just for you and me but for everyone else.

A friend of mine once told me, “If you do good to me, the God will repay you the good deeds, maybe I’m not able to repay your good deeds to me, but God sure repay it thru someone else in the future”. It became my philosophy since then. I’ve never asked anything in return from those that I helped. I always set them free.

I hope my writing would in a way help me set a clear journey in my career path. It also would benefit others who read it. Frankly, I'm not sure what would happen in the future even if I had plan things ahead. God's plans are always the best. Nobody knows, but perhaps by helping others to find their ways, God shall bless me in reaching towards my destiny.

Once minang people said:
Duduk sendiri bersempit-sempit
Duduk bersama berlapang-lapang
Jika ada sama dimakan
Jika tidak ada sama dicari
Enak sama kita, enak juga bagi orang lain
Kita dapat orang pun dapat.
Seiring sama sejalan seayun selangkah
Sakit sama diubati
Senang sama dirasakan

Tuesday, 21 August 2007


This is another CPD seminar which RGP conducts every first Tuesday of the month for its employees. However, last month the seminar had to be cancelled because the presenter was not able to attend and the session couldn't be replaced as very short notice was given prior to his absence. Though the seminar was cancelled, our free dinner was ON as scheduled!

This month, the seminar covers on the floor heating, another technical knowledge adventure for me. I believe this technology applies only to the seasonal countries. I don't think it would be necessary for a country like Malaysia. Maybe in the next 100 years when the climate change becomes more unpredictable and Malaysia might even have snow someday!

Building technology is a wide aspect in UK. Because of their climate different it need a whole wide range of product to keep the building fits for its main purpose - comfort. No wonder they're good at it. Recent awareness on the unpredictable climate change has transformed the selection of products used to a more environmental friendly, sustainable and zero carbon products. I've learnt a few of these theories back in University but far from implementation and taking huge awareness than now. It reminds me of Keang Yeang, Jimmy Lim and of course our Traditional Malay Houses. I've stay in and studied the Malay house before and now I'm in the process of learning the good old British house. Hopefully, it will eventually provide me the best knowledge of both worlds. Insyaallah.

I believe the best part of the technical understanding would be simple explanation guided by an
axonometric/3d visual diagram showing the actual system. This proves one as a "great explainer" - one who can see the complexity but explain it with simplicity, an understanding from my reading of a book entitled "The World is Flat" by Thomas L.Friedman.

Suddenly my collegue said to me, "see there is Malaysia!" pointing me to one of the flowcrete branch around the world. I've heard this company before in Malaysia but I never had the opportunity to get to know the product. It seems funny that I only learn about the company 60,000km from my homeland! and from Mr. Matt Baldry, a specification manager from the Head Office!! This is what I call first-hand education.abstract from: