Original Artwork by Papa, Azhan and Nine (click image to link)
‘In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. By Time, indeed humanity is in a state of loss. Except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth and in the mutual teaching of patience’ (Surah al-`Asr, 103:1-3)
"Professional Architect lives almost by faith. When called upon he can do the job without fear or favour. He possesses aspecialized skill and lives by a code of ethics cloaked in honour andintegrity. He is expected to speak his mind and give his views. Whenfaced with absolute wrong, he can resolutely disagree and walk away." quote from THE PROFESSIONAL MAN by Ar Dr Tan Loke Mun PRESIDENT PAM

Sunday, 30 December 2007


I was taken to my previous past when I saw this video taken a couple of years ago. I still feel as if it was only yesterday that this event took place. It makes me realised how fast time flies by. Ironically, we are the ones who wanted things to happen in the quickest time. We want to design things within the quickest time, quickly get the "architect" title, quickly become rich, quickly own a big house, quickly possess a luxury car. Yet we sometimes fail to realise how precious time is.

This video was recorded during my busiest time of the year. I was literally working for two design practice; one firm during the day and the other at night. I was always away from my family every weekend. But, on that very special day I simply dropped everything and tried to stop the time to be with my friends and beloved family. In the midst of celebrating my special day, I became aware that I should enjoy every breath that I take in my life with my loved ones better. You will never know for sure when you'll stop breathing and enjoying the smell of your kids' hair or sleeping beside the heat of my loved one or even maybe sharing the day with your friends.

"Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it." Fyodor Dostoevsky Russian novelist (1821 - 1881)

Saturday, 29 December 2007

Di Atas Runtuhan Kota Melaka

Di atas runtuhan Melaka lama
Penyair termenung seorang diri
Ingat Melayu kala jayanya
Pusat kebesaran nenek bahari

Di atas munggu yang ketinggian

Penyair duduk termenung seorang
Jauh pandangku ke pantai sana
Ombak memecah di atas karang

Awan berarak mentilau bernyanyi

Murai berkicau bayu merayu
Kenang melayang ke alam sunyi
Teringat zaman yang lama lalu

Sunyi dan sepi, hening dan lingau

Melambai sukma melenyai tulang
Arwah Hang Tuah rasa menghimbau
Menyeru umat tunduk ke Tuhan

Di sini dahulu alat kebesaran

Adat resam teguh berdiri
Duduk semayam Yang Dipertuan
Melimpahkan hukum segenap negeri

Di sini dahulu Laksamana Hang Tuah

Satria moyang Melayu jati
Jaya perkasa, gagah dan mewah
‘Tidak Melayu hilang di bumi’

Di sini dahulu paying terkembang

Megah Bendahara Seri Maharaja
Bendahara yang cerdik tumpuan dagang
Lubuk budi laut bicara

Penyair menghadap ke laut lepas

Selat Melaka tenang terbentang
Awan berarak riak menghempas
Mentari turun rembanglah petang

Wahai tuan Selat Melaka

Mengapa tuan berdiam diri?
Tidakkah tahu untung hamba
Hamba musafir datang ke mari

Di mana Daulat Yang Dipertuan

Mana Hang Tuah, mana Hang Jebat
Mana Bendahara johan pahlawan
Bukankah jelas di dalam babad

Namanya tetap jadi sebutan
Bekasnya hilang payah mencari
Sedikit penyair bertemu kesan
Musnah dalam gulungan hari

Mengapa ini bekas yang tinggal

Umat yang lemah terkatung-katung
Hidup menumpang tanah terjual
Larat wahai larat dipukul untung

Adakah ini bekas peninggalan

Belahan diriku umat Melayu
Lemah dan lungai tiada karuan
Laksana bunga terkulai layu

Jauh di darat penyair melihat

Gunung Ledang duduk termangu
Tinggi menjulang hijau dan dahsyat
Hiasan hikayat nenekku dahulu

Di dalam kuasyik merenung gunung

Di dalam kemilau panas kan petang
Tengah khayal dirundung menung
Rasanya ada orang yang datang

Penyair hanya duduk sendiri

Tapi keliling rasanya ramai
Bulu romaku rasa berdiri
Berubah warna alam yang permai

Ada rasanya bisikan sayu

Hembusan angina di Gunung Ledang
Entah puteri datang merayu
Padahal beta bukan meminang

Bukanlah hamba Sultan Melaka

Jambatan emas tak ada padaku
Kekayaanku hanya syair seloka
Hanya nyanyian untuk bangsaku

Justeru terdengar puteri berkata

Suaranya halus masuk ke sukma
Maksudmu tuan sudahlah nyata
Hendak mengenang riwayat yang lama

Bukan kuminta jambatan emas

Tapi nasihat hendak kuberi
Kenang-kenangan zaman yang lepas
Iktibar cucu kemudian hari

Sebelum engkau mengambil simpulan

Sebelum Portugis engkau kutuki
Inggeris Belanda engkau cemarkan
Ketahui dahulu salah sendiri

Sultan Mahmud Shah mula pertama

Meminang diriku ke Gunung Ledang
Segala pintaku baginda terima
Darah semangkuk takut menuang

Adakan cita akan tercapai

Adakan hasil yang diingini
Jika berbalik sebelum sampai
Mengorbankan darah tiada berani

Apalah daya Datuk Bendahara

Jikalau Sultan hanya tualang
Memikir diri seorang sahaja
Tidak mengingat rakyat yang malang

Sultan Ahmad Shah apalah akalnya

Walaupun baginda inginkan syahid
Mualim Makhdum lemah imannya
‘Di sini bukan tempat Tauhid’

Bendahara Tua Paduka Raja

Walaupun ingin mati berjuang
Bersama hilang dengan Melaka
Anak cucunya hendak lari pulang

Berapa pula penjual negeri

Mengharap emas perak bertimba
Untuk keuntungan diri sendiri
Biarlah bangsa menjadi hamba

Ini sebabnya umat akan jatuh

Baik dahulu atau sekarang
Inilah sebab kakinya lumpuh
Menjadi budak belian orang

Sakitnya bangsa bukan di luar

Tetapi terhunjam di dalam nyawa
Walau diubat walau ditawar
Semangat hancur apalah daya

Janjian Tuhan sudah tajalli

Mulialah umat yang teguh iman
Allah tak pernah mungkirkan janji
Tarikh riwayat jadi pedoman

Tidaklah Allah mengubah untung

Suatu kaum dalam dunia
Jika hanya duduk terkatung
Berpeluk lutut berputus asa

Malang dan mujur nasibnya bangsa

Turun dan naik silih berganti
Terhenyak lemah naik perkasa
Bergantung atas usaha sendiri

Riwayat yang lama tutuplah sudah

Apalah guna lama terharu
Baik berhenti bermenung gundah
Sekarang dibuka lembaran baru

Habis sudah madahnya puteri

Ia pun ghaib capal pun hilang
Tinggal penyair seorang diri
Di hadapan cahaya jelas membentang

Pantai Melaka kulihat riang

Nampaklah ombak kejar-mengejar
Bangunlah Tuan belahanku saying
Seluruh Timur sudahlah besar

Bercermin pada sejarah moyang

Kita sekarang mengubah nasib
Di zaman susah atau pun riang
Tolong tetap dari Yang Ghaib

Bangunlah kasih, umat Melayu

Belahan asal satu turunan
Bercampur darah dari dahulu
Persamaan nasib jadi kenangan

Semangat yang lemah dibuang jauh

Jiwa yang kecil kita besarkan
Yakin percaya, iman pun teguh
Zaman hadapan, penuh harapan

Bukanlah kecil golongan tuan

Tujuh puluh juta Indonesia
Bukan sedikit kita berteman
Sudahlah bangun bumi Asia

Kutarik nafas, kukumpul ingatan

Aku pun tegak dari renungku
Jalan yang jauh aku teruskan
Melukis riwayat sifat hidupku

Kota Melaka tinggallah sayang

Beta nak balik ke Pulau Percha
Walau terpisah engkau sekarang
Lambat launnya kembali pula
Walaupun luas watan terbentang
Danau Maninjau terkenang jua

HAMKA (1908-1981),

Monday, 24 December 2007


Re-Design; such a forbidden word for designers. Although some re-design is meant for a better design or a better dream, sometimes it brings nightmare with it too. But this re-design work is not a nightmare, it was rather a different dream... a medieval one!

I was exhausted to the bones to meet the tight deadline. The planners had actually requested for a new re-design scheme. The design scheme had gone through several minor changes. However, this request would be considered as a new job reference because it features a totally different design scheme.

The project's visualisation was supposed to be outsourced to a third party. Since the price quoted for the visual was too expensive and beyond the client's budget, the firm that I'm working for had been appointed to work on the visual as well. This project had previously cost a lot to the company and to re-design would cost a fortune, thus deteriorating their profit margin. I was then brought into the picture to help reduce the cost and soar the company profit.

Personally, I really love the earlier scheme, but at the last minute the client change their brief. A re-design work would usually equate to the re-make of the facade feature, this norm however didn't apply in this case. A totally different planning layout had turned this piece of work into a 'total make over' especially with the project being led by a senior from the housing team. Their approach is different from the way the commercial team tackles it. In a way, we were back to square one. As for me, having given the opportunity to visualise a Medieval dream as imagined by both worlds was a priceless and invaluable experience!

"Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It's quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't as all. You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember, that's where you will find success". Thomas J.Watson,Sr. (Feb 17, 1874 June 19, 1956) was the president of IBM
previous related development:-

Visit : RGP have an innovative approach to architectural design. We have no dogma, no standard answers and we are spirited and fun to work with

Tuesday, 18 December 2007


This funny postcard was from my supervisor who spent his holiday in Australia. His 3-week of long holidays abroad reminds me of my trip back home to Malaysia last year. I could still recall how I was all smiley upon seeing the plane that will fly me back to the ones I love. I remember smiling all day long thinking of my loved ones who had long-awaited for my return...I felt very relief to finally escape from my miseries of loneliness. Being on the plane was like one step to life.

Despite the complaint from most people of the flight delay due to the heavy fogs I could still smile. It felt like one of my "balik kampung" trips. When some of them whom I manage to talk to, expressed their dissatisfaction and how mad they were about the delay, I simply said " no worries, the plane will be here soon. at least you still have the ticket home to meet your family and friends!"

I can't wait for another trip home and this time it will be a trip for the whole family!

Monday, 10 December 2007


I had a conversation with my junior in University today. He asked me something about my past experience during my study years:-

Junior: nk tanye ni
Junior: kalu design dpt F tu ape charater student tu eh.....
Junior: sedikit kemusykilan la

paklan_rizan: dpt F ?
paklan_rizan: fail ler?

Junior: mmg la....F tu 0.00 kan
Junior: tapi apsal sampai mcm tu skali?

paklan_rizan: emm...aku tak pernah daptlah F..alhamdulillah..
paklan_rizan: tapi ader kekawan yg dpt
paklan_rizan: pd observation aku...
paklan_rizan: ader yg memang malas
paklan_rizan: ader yg dah tak minat
paklan_rizan: tapi ader juga yg rajin dan minat...tapi sebab dia tak menjawab soalan...
paklan_rizan: sesetengah org kata lecturer pilih bulu..tapi aku rasa sentimen tu takderlah sampai bawak beza markah sgt...contohnya..kalau sepatutnya dia dpt A..kalau lecturer tu tak suker ker..mungkin dpt A-
paklan_rizan: so kalau dia dpt F mungkin asalnya dia kat border dah...
paklan_rizan: kalau ader sentimen tu..
paklan_rizan: pada aku kekadang org lupa design tu pun sebenarnya subject study...cuma takder paper test..tapi time crit tu sebenarnya macam test..bezanya kita dah diberi soalan tu dr awal...cuma tak semua org nampak soalan tu...dan akhirnya tak menjawab soalan

Junior: owh
Junior: thanks for the explanation
Junior: aku dapat F

paklan_rizan: aisey...
paklan_rizan: sorry beb
paklan_rizan: apa jadi?

Junior: jap
Junior: ntah la
Junior: tetibe kua dpt F

paklan_rizan: selalunya kalau dpt F ko boleh agak dah..sebab kan ader interim crit
paklan_rizan: markah interim tu kan carry ko akan tahu sama ader ko akan dok kat border line atau tak..

Junior: hehehe
Junior: takpe
Junior: nnt wa siasat
Junior: bro
Junior: from some reliable design result is way far from failing.....
Junior: camne kua F ni
Junior: hrmmmmm~!

paklan_rizan: ko tgk kat website ker?

Junior: ye result tu tgk kt website

paklan_rizan: ader silap kot
paklan_rizan: double check dgn lecturer la..

Junior: kp dlu kan

paklan_rizan: setahu aku..bila final crit...lecturere kan tahu sapa yg akan dpt F..dia akan panggil bebudak nie..

Junior: ye la...time reviwe kan

paklan_rizan: yg border case selalu akan di suruh ugrade design sikit utk lulus..

Junior: aku tak kena panggil pun

paklan_rizan: yg memng file akan di suruh sedia utk design balik
paklan_rizan: emm..
paklan_rizan: ader silap la kot
paklan_rizan: better gi tanya lecturer

Junior: ok
Junior: paper sume dah ok
Junior: tetibe yg 12 kdt hour jd f
Junior: gpa jd 1.4 je
paklan_rizan: iskh
paklan_rizan: better gi tanya lecturer

Junior: orait-orait

paklan_rizan: sapa lecturer design?

Junior: ramai
Junior: tp group aku
Junior: XX
Junior: YY
Junior: ZZ

paklan_rizan: oo
paklan_rizan: XX boleh tahan lazer gak
Junior: tu la pasal
Junior: buleh cari gaduh ni ngan XX

paklan_rizan: tahu..aku penah kena
paklan_rizan: dia jenis tak tak habis explain lagi dah sibuk mencelah

Junior: betul2....rase mcm nk tendang je
Junior: hahahah

The above conversation mainly revolved around an acquaintance who recently got an F for his design subject. I'm not trying to judge those who failed for their design. Eventhough I had never got an F for my design, I feel sorry for them. Why exactly do we crave for an A? And why we do try so hard to avoid an F?

It has never occurred to me before about our dire needs of getting an A (particularly among students)? Through out my studies, most of my design works were awarded with an A (praise be to Allah). My studio-mates used to perceive me as a threat that put them under a lot of pressure. They claimed that my designs were benchmark that was too hard to achieve. I could vividly recall one of the lecturers saying, "look at fadzlan, he can produce this good drawing eventhough he's married with young children and at the same time working part-time". In one particular highrise design, I was given an A+ which created a great history not only for myself but also the school as the grade has never been awarded to any students in the school before!

The truth is, it was never my intention to give them such pressure. I was not even interested in impressing the lecturers even more to compete with anyone. I did it plainly because I wanted to protect my loved wife and sons. I need to prove to my father that although I have family in my early years, I could still perform well and maintain my grades. I didn't want my father to put the blame neither on my wife nor my sons whenever my grades slipped. Also I didn't want to use my family as an excuse to gain sympthy from the lecturers. I had to prove to others that my desicion to get married young would not hurt anybody. Alhamdulillah, me and my wife had finally did it to win their hearts. I just could not afford to get an F. It was never an option.

This reminds me of our first day when we enrol for the architecture programme. There were over 50 students in each batch, but along the our journey as architectural students, some of us were quite unfortunate; some got an F, some felt they don't like architecture, some took a break to find peace and some just couldn't bear the pressure any more; others got great ideas but were carried away that they didn't fulfill the requirements!

Finally on our graduation day; a day that should be filled with enjoyment for our achievements, I did feel a little regret for not doing much to help those who were left behind. I'd tried my best to help some of them with their design and presentation eventhough I was very occupied with my own early family life. If only I could have done more for them...alas, some of those good old friends who started the journey together from the very beginning couldn't make it to the end.

Those good old times had passed by so quickly. Now those "A's" does not matter at all. My survival at work is for the sake of the family. Nevertheless, for those who are still struggling with their studies, I do hope that they will soon find a rainbow after the storm that had stroke them in the begining.Good Luck!!

Wednesday, 5 December 2007


This SECOND OPTION of the development is finally selected by the planner as the ideal design for their area. The client also agrees with this solution despite their worries on bursting the development budget.

The solution with the curved roof is adventurous for everyone. Mr. Bryne who initially drafted the design didn't expect it to be chosen. At the early stage, we did not spend much time on this option. We only provided an elevation option without any 3d visual aids. Even though the FIRST OPTION was highlighted and emphasised with 3d visual aids, these couldn't veil the uniqueness and exclusiveness that the second option could offer.

The client then decided to proceed with this curved roof solution and assigned their own affiliate to carry out the visual works. Their affiliate is a team of 3d professionals that possess a wide experience in their field. However when the visual returned to us as the appointed designer, we found that they didn't read the plan accurately. To make things even worse, the contour and levels of the actual survey drawing were not of accurate model. It turned out that my sketch_up post-edited visual is more desirable than theirs. This somehow proved that some non-architectural visualisers do not have a good understanding of architectural drawing especially during the schematic design. Usually these non-architectural background visualisers would ask more information to help them visual the design better.

Feeling unsatisfied with the outcome of the visualiser's work, the client turns back to me to resume the task. Although I do hope that the external visualiser would continue their work (so that I could do other technical work), I would personally love to see the curved roof design being develop by myself. This simple, elegant and sexy curve was not as easy to model as it looks. Furthermore, I need to create the context of the development based on the survey. It was quite tricky as well since the site was not entirely flat. On top of it all, my excitement on developing this site is to put new rendering technique into action. This is the result...

The aerial view

Perspective 1Perspective 2

Perspective 3

"I feel guilty when people say I'm the greatest on the scene. What's good or bad doesn't matter to me; what does matter is feeling and not feeling. If only people would take more of a true view and think in terms of feelings. Your name doesn't mean a damn, it's your talents and feelings that matter. You've got to know much more than just the technicalities of notes; you've got to know what goes between the notes."Jimi Hendrix US rock musician & singer (1942 - 1970)

Visit : RGP have an innovative approach to architectural design. We have no dogma, no standard answers and we are spirited and fun to work with