Original Artwork by Papa, Azhan and Nine (click image to link)
‘In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. By Time, indeed humanity is in a state of loss. Except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth and in the mutual teaching of patience’ (Surah al-`Asr, 103:1-3)
"Professional Architect lives almost by faith. When called upon he can do the job without fear or favour. He possesses aspecialized skill and lives by a code of ethics cloaked in honour andintegrity. He is expected to speak his mind and give his views. Whenfaced with absolute wrong, he can resolutely disagree and walk away." quote from THE PROFESSIONAL MAN by Ar Dr Tan Loke Mun PRESIDENT PAM

Saturday 30 August 2008


Alhamdulillah...lega, saya dah "add comment" ucapan sempena Ramadhan kat semua kekawan dalam friendster. Letih gak lah dok klik sebanyak 193 nama dalam list tu (taklah ramai pun kawan). Tapi takpalah tujuan ikhlas saya adalah untuk memohon maaf kalau ada apa apa kesalahan yang saya buat secara sedar atau tidak.

Saya harap sesiapa yang dalam list tu yang kurang senang saya dok hantar comment, silalah beritahu melalui friendster mail. Sebab ada diantaranya yang tak pernah menjawab. Saya tak pasti apa masalahnya.

Kalau orang kawin senyap masa mak ayah tanya setuju kawin ker tidak itu tandanya setuju..saya tak pastilah pulak dalam soal ini.

Saya cuma khuatir jika ada yang sekadar "being polite" , mengharapkan agar saya faham-faham sendirilah yang kehadiran saya tidak disenangi. Saya tak faham kenapa...

Jika ada yang dah tak active, tak boleh online,malas atau ada yang terlalu sibuk dan lain-lain yang sewaktu dengannya. Tak payah susahkan diri balas, itu saya boleh faham.

Biarpun tak semuanya akan dijawap tapi sekurang-kurangnya "comment" tersebut diharap dapat merapatkan silaturrahim. Dimaafkan atau tidak lain cerita yang penting saya telah melakukan bahagian saya. Yang lainnya terserah kepada Allah.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya:”Sesiapa yang ingin diluaskan rezekinya, dipanjangkan umurnya, maka hendaklah ia memanjangkan silaturrahim”
Kami sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADHAN AL-MUBARAK. Kami memohon ampun maaf atas sebarang dosa atau kesilapan. Semoga Ramadhan membawa keberkatan kepada semua. PAKLAN+FAMILY

Friday 29 August 2008


These few days I have been busy documenting my boys' artworks since they started schooling in England. I've tried to document it before but without the right equipment the documentation process could not happen. I've just gotten myself a new all-in-one printer scanner Epson Stylus DX4450 which means the documentation process can now resume.

Sketch by Muhammad Azhan (An)

Sketch by Muhammad Zulkarnain (Nine)

I need this documentation so that all the boys' stuff can be stored in a proper storage box. Thus reduce the mess that they made around the house.

Some of the work is just scribble on used paper. But I didn't throw it away because I believe the process of producing artwork is as important as the completed masterpiece itself.

This scribble work can later be used to explain to the boys how their skills have developed. Sometimes through out the whole process we will find different possibilities in life.

As for me I find that the process of documenting their works is a refreshing task which has the same feeling as one felt when one goes to different art gallery. It occurred to me that their artwork could have been something similar to what I'd done and forgotten during my own childhood; the way they made artwork straight from their heart and without much judgement.

Our children are learning from us but we also could learn from them. Together, we could respect each other.

Thursday 28 August 2008


3 & 4 hb ogos 2008
Pada hari ini ada kawan saya mai bertandang ke rumah. Saiful (bukan Saiful Bukhari) dan Arine kedua-duanya merupakan kawan sekelas saya semasa di tingkatn 4 dan 5 di MRSM Jasin, Melaka.

Depa baru sahaja mai di Leicester, UK pada awal tahun nie kerana Arine melanjutkan pengajian keperingkat phD. Dah ada dah rupanya kawan saya yang bakal dapat phD. Syabas! Saya dulu pun bercita-cita di suatu hari nanti untuk menyambung pelajaran. IsyaAllah suatu hari nanti.

Kembara Apol kali ini adalah bagi memenuhi jelajah stadium bola di UK. Dua hari sepanjang di "North West" sempatlah cover stadium di Manchester dan Liverpool. Saya rasa memang menjadi impian setiap peminat bola untuk datang menyaksikan sendiri stadium bola pasukan yang diminati.

Terima kasih bebanyaklah kerana sudi bertandang dan tidur dirumah sewa kami yang tak seberapa ini. Seronok rasanya bila sesekali ada kekawan jauh mai ziarah. Kalau yang datang dapat tido kat rumah pun bagus sebab lebih banyak masa untuk bercerita.

Apa yang lebih manis tentang pertemuan kali ini adalah dapat bertemu dengan anak perempuan mereka Nor Aliya Amira. Maklumlah kami ada anak jantan saja. Dulu semasa kami melawat mereka di kampung Amira masih kecil lagi. Sekarang dah pandai cakap. Apa lagi bukan main seronok anak jantan aku Azhan dan Nine ada member baru.

Sepanjang duduk 2 hari kat sini sempatlah main bersama, meloncat sana-sini dan juga buat lukisan bersama. Saya buka kertas lukisan panjang dan biarkan mereka bertiga bermain dengan warna. Biar mereka dapat lakukan satu aktiviti bersama yang dapat disimpan sebagai tanda persahabatan yang berkekalan.

Peluang pertemuan ini dapatlah kita menyegarkan kembali kenangan-kenangan dulu semasa sekolah serta berbicara tentang kehidupan kini. Lantaran dari sembang-sembang ini akan mengeratkan persabatan kita. Ia juga sebagai peringatan kita betapa masa begitu pantas berlalu dan terlalu singkat untuk kita saling membenci sesiapa. Terima kasih atas persahabatan ini.

Tuesday 26 August 2008


Hari ini Selasa 26 Ogos 2008. Hari yang bakal mencatat sejarah buat kampung aku di Permatang Pauh. Ia juga bakal menjadi sejarah yang tersendiri buat seluruh rakyat Malaysia.

Malangnya aku tak berpeluang bersama di dalam hari penuh bersejarah tersebut. Kuranglah satu undi untuk Permatang Pauh. Hanya doa dan solat hajat yang mampu aku iringi.

Aku telah cuba sedaya upaya untuk mencari peluang untuk pulang. Tetapi tiada rezeki nampaknya. Aku hanya mampu mengikutinya melalui dada akbar online, blog-blog dan youtube. Makin banyak pembacaan dan pelbagai hujah yang dikemukakan makin bertambah kematangan dan tekad untuk menegakkan kebenaran. Begitu besar beban tanggungjawab mengundi kali ini juga hingga terbawa ke dalam mimpi.

Aku bermimpi berjalan bersama ayah melawat kedalam sebuah penjara. Didalam penjara tersebut aku melihat seorang banduan yang ditutup kepalanya dengan sebuah balang sehingga dia tidak boleh berkata-kata dan menunjukkan muka. Si banduan tersebut diberi makan hanyalah melalui duburnya menggunakan tiub getah. Ayahku berkata "Begitu kejam sekali siksaan terhadap banduan ini sedangkan apa yang cuba dikatakannya adalah kebenaran".

Kemudian aku bersama ayah berada di koridor penjara sambil melihat gelagat seorang lagi banduan. Keadaannya seperti orang yang hilang akal, bercakap sendirian dan duduk berkeliaran ditepi sebuah tangga. Tiba-tiba dia mati dalam keadaan berdiri. Mata dan mulutnya terbuka luas seperti orang terkejut. Ayah berkata kepadaku lagi "Marilah kita baringkan mayatnya, walaupun dia bersalah tak baik kita membiarkan dia mati di dalam keadaan berdiri".

Aku tak tahu apa maksud mimpi tersebut. Mungkin hanya sekadar igauan mimpi. Atau mungkin lebih dari sekadar mimpi... adakah sebuah petunjuk ?

Namun biar apa pun perbezaan politik atau maksud mimpi , harapan serta doa aku agar Malaysia akan kembali menjadi negara terbaik untuk keseluruhan rakyatnya mengecapi kebahagiaan dan mencapai impian. Jadikanlah segala harapan ini satu kenyataan!

" Terserah kepada pengundi Permatang Pauh menentukan bukan sahaja masa depan kawasan mereka tetapi juga negara." Tugas berat pengundi oleh Oleh AZMAN ANUAR(WARTAWAN UTUSAN).

"Tomorrow is the D Day for The mother of all by elections , the Permatang Pauh Parliamentary seat contest" A message to Permatang Pauh voters

"Jangan! Jangan sembah aku. Aku bukan gila disembah. Aku bukan sebagai Sultan Melaka yang mengagung-agungkan pangkat dan kebesarannya. Aku Jebat, rakyat biasa. Pangkat aku untuk kepentingan rakyat. Bergerak aku untuk membuat jasa kepada rakyat, dan aku rela mati untuk rakyat.. kerana aku mahu keadilan, keadilan. Keadilan!" - Hang Jebat

Tuesday 19 August 2008


1.This is just a small proposal for a development within an existing retail park. Unlike other retail outlet this one is categorised as Trade Counters.

2.Trade Counters unit is for retailers to keep their stock within their distribution area. It also acts like a small warehouse or a place for franchisers to collect their stocks.

3.One major difference in this type of retail unit is not having a display window to exhibit their goods or product. RGP have an innovative approach to architectural design. We have no dogma, no standard answers and we are spirited and fun to work with.

Monday 18 August 2008


1.This is a mix development consisting of offices, SOHO (small office and home office), flats and also MENCAP (voice of learning disability) facilities.

2.Initially it was schematically designed by a colleague in residential department. Due to the time constraint I was called to finish up the design with a complete internal layout detail. This would mean that I had to work without changing much of the proposed elevations.

3.The only elevation that could be changed and need to be amended is the one for the SOHO units.
4. The challenge was to keep the variation in designing internal layout to a minimum. The initial space zoning may not be similar in volume but I manage to reduce the variation by introducing similarity in interior units such as typical toilet layout, kitchen, etc.

5. In this exercises a new presentation format is not needed as the format had been done previously. Thus I would not only have to follow the format and colour technique but also to draw the new elevation using the same hand-stroke. This would keep the continuity in design presentation.

6.The second option layout is to show how the SOHO units would be implemented within the proposed layout.

7. If I had been given the opportunity to design the MENCAP facilities, I would also like the chance to be with this special people. How should we design for someone that we barely know their daily routine and the kind of life that they lead? We may be able to learn from books or copy from a typical design for "special person" to get an overview of their needs but having a "human touch" with the user is also important in delivering the best design solution.

8. Are we still willing to surrender the authority of designing to other experts? May be by surrendering this special design area to the expert could reduce the time, cost and also liability. What else would be left for us to design someday if all the design work is handed over to other specialist? RGP have an innovative approach to architectural design. We have no dogma, no standard answers and we are spirited and fun to work with.

Tuesday 12 August 2008


1.This a good example on how we deal with a convertion of an old historical building. The project does not only involve one listed building but three separate listed building.

2.The client wants to convert these buildings into a luxurious hotel.

3. As we know when deal with historic building the planner and conservationist would not allow any demolition on the facade of the building. So most of the changes would be on the internal of the building and restoring the existing facade to its glory.

4. The idea is to design a link to connect the 3 buildings with minor alteration to its existing external and internal building layout.

5. We introduced a contemporary tower in the middle of the courtyard and bridges to link the 3 buildings.

6. To ensure that the link would have little impact on the building, we are going to use glass as the main structure for the link to give more transparency and an invisible appearence. Thus the structure is less likely to block the existing facade.

8. The approach taken in designing a modern structure in between a heritage building is hoped to create a clear justification between old and new building.

9. The minimal finishes would help to highlight the old buildings in the foreground. The glimpse of the structure from the pedestrian view creates a sense of suprise and brings an exciting 21st century living to its present time. RGP have an innovative approach to architectural design. We have no dogma, no standard answers and we are spirited and fun to work with.

Friday 1 August 2008


29 August 2008. Recently, I saw a documentary on TV which eventually re-generates my interest in painting. I've been telling myself to wait for the right moment ie when I have enough resources, perfect time and 101 reasons to re-initiate my favourite pastime. All these reasons have held me back from doing more paintings. They're like whispers of the demon that I need to face.

The documentary made me realise how much we will lose our pure heart and unique touch when as we grow older. Will we still be able to produce the same drawing as the one we created when we first held a paint brush? The anwser is NO. The value of imagination at every stage of our life is so vulnerable. It is undeniable that taking photographs keep memories of life events eternal but painting is also a good method in keeping our imigination and dreams alive.

Right after the programme, I immediately grabbed my paint and took out a long scroll of practice paper and all the brushes and tools for doing a big painting. At first, I just stood there and asked my children who are still amazed with the big piece of paper to start playing with the colours. They jumped at the sight of this and shouted with excitement as if they have never been happier. They didn't even realise that the time was almost midnight when they decided that their paintings were done. While they had all gone to sleep, I was still wide awake looking at their paintings that were still wet in fascination and amazement.

It's really amazing to see how children imagine and then listen to how they describe their world. Although their paintings are not near any perfect reality I would not advise them on making it perfect. I just encouraged them to do someting that they imagine. The only advice that I gave them was on the colour mixture, "Don't ever mix the colour until it turns into muddy is a bad colour". Truth to tell, I think I'm the one who's learning to paint from my children. I learnt how to paint from my heart and forget about the perfect realistic detailing that would limit my imigination. Azhan & Nine painting

Azhan Fire Station
It is sometimes hard to draw something from your heart. Producing realist painting had its own difficulties but doing an abstract painting or contemporary painting is not much different than realist paintin. I had to do this warm-up exercise with practice rolled paper. This will help me to practice in order to regain my painting strokes which seem to have lose in time. Soon I hope my boys and I will be doing actual painting on canvas!
My Test Series 1