Original Artwork by Papa, Azhan and Nine (click image to link)
‘In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. By Time, indeed humanity is in a state of loss. Except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth and in the mutual teaching of patience’ (Surah al-`Asr, 103:1-3)
"Professional Architect lives almost by faith. When called upon he can do the job without fear or favour. He possesses aspecialized skill and lives by a code of ethics cloaked in honour andintegrity. He is expected to speak his mind and give his views. Whenfaced with absolute wrong, he can resolutely disagree and walk away." quote from THE PROFESSIONAL MAN by Ar Dr Tan Loke Mun PRESIDENT PAM

Tuesday 21 October 2008


Kawan: nak bagitau ni..
Kawan: we are leaving soon

Pak Lan: leaving gi mana?

Kawan: balik tanah air

Pak Lan: kenapa? nie pasal UK recession ker? ...

Kawan: begitulah

Pak Lan: emm...Pak Lan pun tgh depressed jugak nie..sebab ada 2- 3 org member yg keje kat city dah kena berhenti dah...ofis Pak Lan pun tgh dlm process re-structuring
Pak Lan: alhamdulillah so far Pak Lan dlm kategory yg selamat lagi..
Pak Lan: bebudak yg keje bahagian teknikal yang byk effect
Pak Lan: really sad to hear this news...
Pak Lan: dahlah bukan ramai pun member kat UK nie..

Kawan: time is really bad la Pak Lan..

Sedih...kata yang belum dapat mengambarkan perasaan bila mendengar seorang lagi kawan yang terpaksa dibuang kerja. Ini bukan berita yang pertama kali saya dengar; sudah banyak...berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu yang memikulnya.

Dari Abdullah bin Umar r.a Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda,:”Orang Islam itu saudara orang Islam, ia tidak menganiayanya dan tidak pula membiarkannya teraniaya. Sesiapa yang menolong keperluan saudaranya, Allah akan menolong keperluannya pula. Siapa yang menghilangkan kesusahan orang Islam, Allah akan menghilangkan kesusahannya di hari akhirat kelak. Siapa yang menutup rahsia orang Islam, Allah akan menutup rahsianya di hari akhirat kelak.”

Bulan-bulan mendatang ini merupakan bulan yang amat mendebarkan semua. Kebanyakan syarikat sedang melaksanakan proses penstrukturan semula syarikat. Ramai yang akan dibuang kerja dan statistik kerajaan UK sendiri membayangkan angka pengangguran akan meningkat sehingga 2 juta orang!

Yang lebih menyedihkan lagi untuk pekerja asing seperti kami, tiada bantuan yang akan diterima oleh kerajaan UK seperti pelbagai "allowance" dan "income support" kerana status kami sebagai pekerja asing. Penyelesaian terakhir bermakna pulang ketanahair. Maka makin kuranglah kawan-kawan yang masih tinggal, sudahlah memang sedia tidak ramai.
Walaupun ini bermakna negara Malaysia akan kembali menerima kepulangan tenaga kerja tetapi amat malang sekali jika tahap pengalaman dan kepakaran masih belum mencapai kematangan maksimum.

Berita-berita ekonomi amat merisaukan. Mungkin ada yang tidak mahu mendengarnya kerana "stress", tetapi adalah baik untuk mengetahui keadaan semasa bagi kita membuat perancangan yang sebaiknya. Rentetan kisah kegawatan ekonomi kali ini dapatlah saya saksikan sendiri serta menimba pengajaran dan pengalaman yang amat berharga.

Hakikat bagaimana ketamakan manusia membinasakan negara.Ternyata amalan riba (yang diharamkan oleh Islam) yang menjadi pegangan kapitalis barat boleh membawa kemusnahan. Sikap rakus manusia mengejar kekayaan yang mudah dan cepat melalui jual-beli rumah dengan harga yang berlipat kali ganda menyaksikan ia memakan diri. Mereka yang membeli rumah semata-mata untuk "investment" menyaksikan harga rumah mereka menurun hingga ketahap "negative equity". Serta pengajaran bahawa cara hidup yang melampaui kemampuan dan budaya berhutang boleh menjadikan negara bankrap.

RGP ( firm akitek tempat saya berkerja) juga sedang melalui proses penstrukturan semula. Ini bagi mengimbangi kelembapan ekonomi semasa. Walaupun telah diberikan jaminan bahawa perkerjaan yang saya lakukan sebagai "architectural designer" akan terjamin, saya tetap melaksanakan langkah-langkah perlu bagi menghadapainya jika ditakdirkan nanti. Umpama menyediakan payung sebelum hujan...

Doa saya agar teman-teman yang menerima kesan dari krisis ini akan dipermudahkan jalan keluar dari kemelut tersebut. Dan bagi mereka yang akibat ketamakannya telah mengheret membinasakan orang lain, bersedialah menerima doa dari insan yang tertindas dan teraniaya ini. Moga apa yang berlaku menjadi perkara yang terbaik diberikan oleh Allah.

Dari Mu'adz Bin Jabal R.A: "Aku telah mendengar Rasullulah SAW bersabda: "Takutlah kepada doa orang-orang teraniaya kerana doa mereka adalah yang paling mustajab. Sesungguhnya tidak ada hijab antara doa mereka dan Allah SWT."
Teringat saya tentang sebahagian isi email klien lama saya:
"Anyway take care and be optimistic leave it to GOD ALMIGHTY and don't be moved by matters around."

Sunday 19 October 2008


This post is a continuation of series of my previous 3d visualization and design that I did for a simple design Retail Park.





The whole design proposal includes several new units located in existing development. There are units to be re-furbished, extended and even some new units to be added and built. The vast variety in the development stage gives the project a unique experience.

One of the precious knowledge I gained while working on this project is how we need to advise the client in re-structuring their development which meets the demand for expansion. The process involves relocating existing tenants in the right sequence so that all the business in the existing retail park can operate their business as usual despite the new development work progressing on site just like putting all the jig-saw pieces together.

It is also important to show the existing tenants the exact visual on how the future development will not leave a negative impact on them but increase their profitability and interest. For example the proposed development will be kept out from blocking their customers view.

This project may not be an extravagant piece of architecture but the process involved has provide me an awareness on turning a tight budget proposal into a profitable architecture. RGP have an innovative approach to architectural design. We have no dogma, no standard answers and we are spirited and fun to work with.

Saturday 18 October 2008


The existing photo
Visual 1-superimposedVisual 2

This is the second option for the proposed project in Workington. It is called Unit 6 whereby the whole site would be treated as newly built and not a re-refurbishment project. The existing building will be demolished and replaced with a new building.

RELATED LINK RGP have an innovative approach to architectural design. We have no dogma, no standard answers and we are spirited and fun to work with.

Friday 17 October 2008


View 1

View 2

This entry is a continuation to one of my previous posts regarding a project located in Workington. Images shown above are some of the perspectives of the new building that would be built as a temporary unit for an existing tenant while their permanent location is being refurbished. Once the refurbishment is completed, this unit will later be rented out to a new tenant.

LINK RGP have an innovative approach to architectural design. We have no dogma, no standard answers and we are spirited and fun to work with.

Tuesday 14 October 2008


It's quite a while since I last posted anything on my design works. So, these are some updates on RGP projects which reflect the office's skills on conservation developments.

The first entry on the project has been posted in this blog.

I feel fortunate to be given the opportunity to be a part of this special project. I've also learnt and got a better understanding of the process beneath the design. This project has opened up my mind on the perspective of old building; how one still manages to respect the old by introducing the new.

The following is one part of the design analysis done for the project.


Our approach has been to create a contemporary “feature” link at first and second floor levels with secondary links to the different levels at the front and rear of XX Street.

We have produced a number of 3D design sketches for the link to explore the design options. The link provides a contemporary contrasting structure when measured against XX Street and the Y building, but only touches the two buildings with the minimum of structure and minimum of interference with the building fabric.
 RGP have an innovative approach to architectural design. We have no dogma, no standard answers and we are spirited and fun to work with.

Sunday 12 October 2008


Dari Abdullah r.a katanya:”Aku datang mengunjungi Rasulullah s.a.w ketika beliau sakit, lalu kusentuh baginda seraya berkata:”Ya Rasulullah! Demam anda bertambah teruk.” Jawab baginda,”Memang demamku sama dengan demam dua orang kamu. Kataku pula, “Semoga anda mendapat pahala berganda pula.” Jawab baginda:”Semoga!” Kemudian sabda baginda pula:”Tidak ada seorang muslim yang ditimpa cubaan berupa sakit dan sebagainya melainkan dihapuskan Allah Taala dosa-dosanya, seperti pohon kayu menggugurkan daunnya.”


Monday 6 October 2008


This is my recent working studio at home. It's not quite a proper room where it is just a small portion at the corner of our living area. I managed to squeeze everything nicely in this small studio with the help of a few compact furniture.
I had always love to have a studio at home house. I started to have this idea of a studio kind of environment since I was in form 1. For as long as I can remember I used to occupy the empty maid's room at the back of our bungalow quarters. I would put all my art equipments and material in it. It was sometimes filled with lots of junk which were mainly all the rubbish that I think could be recycled and later re-used in making artworks.
Sometimes I don’t know why I love to be in a studio. There is always something to do. It some how makes me feel more creative and become more focus on doing something. Maybe the studio environment makes me believe that I'm a creative person. It give me a sense of creative affirmation and the belief that I am a creative person. What I imagine to be true in fact becomes true. When I got the opportunity to study architecture, my course mate and I were introduced to the life in studio. I just loved it. With the set of drafting table, drawer, partition boards it felt like a dream come true. I would spend hours doing work and studying in the studio. Like most of my studio mates, I always thought our studio as our second home. We worked, slept, and ate at the same place. Studio life is one of my best memories. But during my final bachelor degree years I started to have a family and couldn't spend so much time in the studio at the university as I used to. Instead, I managed to create a better studio right at home.
In my little studio at home, I love to paste all my idea on the wall or a board. Although sometimes it will look messy during my work, most of the time I'd always keep it tidy and properly arranged. I don’t really like to start working in a messy condition; it'll only make my mind miserable. In my studio I also love to arrange all books and transform them into a mini library. Sometimes I'd just spend times reading books over and over again.

Now days, my two boys are starting to like the idea of having this studio too. They know where to find their material for their art work and also when it's time to keep it tidy. We also make some art projects together. The book in my small library also consists of my children's books. Today, the studio is not just for myself but for everyone in the family to indulge together.

These are some key points I found in the Internet about working in studio.

1.For many artists, creativity is stagnated if there is no place to work. A great remedy for this is an in-home art studio. Such a studio needs to be equipped with the necessities to allow you to work smoothly and effectively on your craft. It should also be a peaceful and tranquil space to work.

2. create an atmosphere conducive to creating works of art

3. hang work of artist that inspire you as well as your own work

4. to have mood improving abilities

5. improving the quality of your work

6. The idea is to make whatever items you use completely accessible while you are working